Careful! I almost lost my cool there... ...seriously, though, "Real Gs move in silence like lasagna." - Lil Wayne Housecat & Sisyphus 55 - I'll Stay a Fool <3 🪖 Out Of The Clear Footprints belonging to a tiny animal!
Don't lie to yourself, it's not a setback. Jejune - Drive By Negly I am linking songs now. 🪖 I don't care about the poor quality or the cropping. I actually like it. So, if you don't like it, too bad. I can do this literally every day.
I like saying I do things with 'intention'. Obviously everything is done with intention. It's a redundant statement - - And yet it feels like it actually means something. 🪖 My bracelet fell off. Naturally, I retraced my steps. Sorry about the cropping.
I don't have much to say. I'm going to put more song recs in these posts because it's fun. Nazareth - Little Part of You 🪖 Took this while out on a run. This foliage-covered wall is important to me. I took a picture of it when the vines were barely hanging over. Now look at it! Oh deer
I didn't take that many cool photos in these months. Not sure if that's more disappointing or telling... Anyway, I am now going to use this page for self-affirmation. 🪖 Every Year That Boy Went Harder... ...Every Year That Boy Got Smarter - RXK Nephew